Meeting Minutes
The 2016 Desert Woodcrafters annual membership meeting was held on December 17, 2016 at 9:30am with 14 members and 4 guests in attendance.
Ken Hansen, President, chaired the meeting and began by reviewing the agenda.
2016 Board Introduction
Financial Report
The Good & Opportunities
Upcoming Election
Additional Focus
The introduction of the 2016 Board followed.
President - Ken Hansen
Vice President - Doug Kant
Secretary - Gaile McCuaig
Treasurer - Marv Enerson
Member at Large - Jim Price
The next item on the Agenda was “Financial Report”. Marv reviewed the current cash and bank account balance as of December 14th. There is a total of $4203.34 on hand including $2320 in the contingency fund reserved for unexpected expense. The current detailed report and previous reports are available on My Grove for member viewing.
An audit will be performed prior to the election meeting in January and will be reviewed at that time.
The next item on the agenda was “Communications”. Marv discussed the issue of emails and requested that My Grove be used for that purpose rather than asking Marv to send them out from the woodcrafters email - thus eliminating all of the replies coming back to him. He reviewed the use of My Grove as well as some of the information available on the Desert Woodcrafters website and how to access it.
The next items covered under Activities included Training, Monitoring and Maintenance.
Jim talked about classes and demos including pen turning, bottle stopper turning, finishing (working with turquoise and filling), intarsia, cutting boards, lazy susans, basic wood turning, bowl turning etc. Most classes will be held on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 3:00 to 5:00. Emails will be sent to members and sign up sheets will be available in the wood shop.
Jim clarified some of the monitor requirements including the requirement for a monitor to be on hand whenever the wood shop is open. The monitors are needed to maintain safety. They are available to assist but cannot train while monitoring. Monitors cannot work on their own projects unless all of the members in the shop are monitors. There is always a need for more monitors.
Jim then discussed equipment maintenance. Wayne is the equipment manager and the Board expressed their appreciation of the job he is doing. Jim stressed that if a member notices a problem with any item of equipment, please let the monitor know about it. The monitor is responsible for putting a note on the piece of equipment needing repair.
Ken then covered items under Equipment and Tools. He reported that the shop has a new air filtration system, an upgraded planer head and a CNC router thanks to the generosity of Betty Murphy and Jack Sarsam. There is a new lathe and a new chop saw donated by Bill Stuersel. Bill made a very significant contribution of additional tools also. Ken reported that the replaced lathe was sold and that the replaced chop saw is due to be relocated to another Robson property.
Ken talked about appointing a shop manager when the opportunity is right.
The next item on the agenda was The Good & Opportunities. Ken talked about how we are now a maturing club which is good. Under opportunities, he addressed safety including the “3 inch” rule. He also addressed that if 2 monitors are the only ones in the shop, they both can work. Absolutely no one can work alone in the shop. Ken said he plans to talk to Melani about greeters at the gate letting keys go to members not on the “authorized” list. He then addressed clean up which always seems to be an issue. Members are reminded to clean up after themselves.
The next item on the agenda was Additional Focus. Ken addressed the issue of proper machine usage and addressed release forms. To clarify, the standard release form, which is the one all members sign, is being reviewed to see if more specific language needs to be added. Ken is still checking out the release form for trainers to verify that members training other members within a club do not need to sign any additional waiver form because these training sessions are considered club activities and are covered under the existing insurance policy.
There will be a mandatory re-orientation meeting for monitors in the near future to assure all monitors are on the same page, so to speak, to reacquaint them with equipment and location of supplies.
Under the Upcoming Election, Dale is the election chairman and is seeking willing candidates. The candidate list will close December 31st. He will send an email to all members with the names. If any member wants to vote “proxy”, they just need to reply to Dale’s email. Otherwise come to the election meeting January 7th to vote.
During member comments, Ed Jones said that the shop needs to have rule that items which are glued must sit overnight before being sanded as this is ruining sander belts and discs and causing unnecessary shop expense to replace.
A suggestion was made that we have a social at the club house to include all members and spouses with hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar. The Board agreed that this was a good idea and it will be pursued.
Dues will remain at $40 initiation/$60 annual for the coming year. Marv reminded everyone that dues must be paid before January 31st or the member’s name tag will be removed from the board and the member will not be allowed to use the shop until paid.
The next meeting is January 7th at 10:00am in the Laredo Room.
Minutes prepared and submitted by Gaile McCuaig, Secretary
Desert Woodcrafters Board Meeting November 12, 2016
The November Board Meeting was held at 9:30am on November 12th at the Wood Shop. Ken Hansen (President) conducted the meeting and the following Board Members were present - Doug Kant (Vice President), Marv Enerson (Treasurer), Jim Price (Member at Large) and Gaile McCuaig (Secretary).
Item #1 on the agenda was “Secretary’s Report”.
Gaile reviewed all items on the October 8th Pending Action Items list. See the new revised attachment for updates.
Item #2 on the agenda was “Financial”.
Marv reviewed the financials year to date. Since January 1st there has been a positive inflow of $3419.06.
There were questions about the category of Tools-Other in the outflows. Marv will review the items in that list and make/suggest a change in the wording.
A final decision was made that next year’s dues will maintain the $40 initiation fee for new members and the $60 annual dues for all members. New members joining after end of 1st quarter will pay a pro rated amount of $15 per quarter in addition to the $40 initiation fee.
The additional spending for a scroll saw this year was addressed and the consensus is that it is not needed.
Item #3 on the agenda was “View Articles”.
The Board was disappointed with the placement of last month’s article for the View near the back of the paper. The thought is that articles associated with pictures including people receive a priority placement. The goal is to target another article for the January View and include members in the picture rather than just projects.
Item #4 on the agenda was “Training”.
Jim reported that he would like to schedule classes for Tuesdays or Thursdays with a Saturday date for completion if needed.
Current schedule is
Pens - Nov 17th and 19th (Dale and Jim)
Basic Bowl Turning - Nov 29th, Dec 1st, 6th, and 8th (Ed Jones)
Intarsia Demo - Dec 1 (Doug Kant)
All weekday classes are 3:00 to 5:00. Saturday hours are flexible.
Jim has additional classes scheduled after January 1st including basic and advanced cutting boards as well as demos on finishing and inlaying, bottle stoppers, lazy susans and segmenting.
Marv will send out an email from Desert Woodcrafters with a list of scheduled classes and dates.
The need for a better system to sign up for classes is needed and Jim and Rami are trying to come to an agreement. It remains an ongoing open item.
Ken will discuss training on equipment at the General Meeting. He and Jim have been working on an outline.
Item #5 on the agenda was “Monitors”.
The need for a Monitor Training Coordinator was discussed but the Board has been unable to get anyone to volunteer so the issue will be closed for now.
Ken is going to work towards scheduling a re-orientation meeting for all monitors to assure they all have the same understanding about their duties.
Item #6 on the agenda was “Maintenance”.
Doug approached Wayne about becoming Maintenance Coordinator and he accepted the position. His duties are to coordinate all the equipment maintenance and assure it happens. The Board is very happy Wayne agreed to fill this position and feels he will do an excellent job.
Doug will ask Wayne to identify what deep cleaning needs to be done each month during shop cleanup. This will assure it all gets done.
Item #7 on the agenda was “Membership Meeting/Elections”.
December 17th has been set as the date for the Annual Meeting assuming a room its available. Ken will follow up.
Jim will approach Corky about becoming the election coordinator. His responsibilities would include overseeing nominations as well as presiding over the actual election at the Annual Meeting.
Item #8 on the agenda was “Equipment”.
Marv completed purchase of all items approved in the October minutes.
As mentioned in Item #2, a new scroll saw is not needed at this time.
Jim reported that the Nova Lathe has been fixed.
The addition of a spiral head planer was discussed. Jack Sarsan has agreed to purchase one for the shop. Ken will talk to Rockler about a recommendation and then do a followup discussion with Ed Jones.
Additional items were approved and will be ordered by Marv as follow:
Expandable chuck lifts
Replacement clamps - 4 each - 12” and 24”
DeWalt battery operated drill plus 6” drill bit extension
Additional forster bits
10” longworth style chuck
It was agreed that going forward all items will be standardized with a 1” chuck.
Under “Selling Excess”, Marv is sending an email to all members giving them a chance to purchase the extra lathe, nailer and tow bar. Otherwise these items will be advertised on Craig’s List. Jack Sarsan may want the extra saw for another community so no action on that at this time.
The subject of a Shop Manager was addressed. In Shop Procedures this duty can be performed by the Board or by a separate person. The Board will ponder if and who and Ken will approach Bill Stuersel to see if he is interested.
Item #9 on the agenda was “Creative Arts Show”.
The plans for the Open House for RR residents on November 19th were finalized. The wood shop will have an open house and a show table inside the shop displaying various works. The CNC Router will be running outside making a project as well. Rami and Marv will each have a sales table.
Minutes prepared and submitted by Gaile McCuaig, Secretary
Desert Woodcrafters Board Meeting October 8, 2016
The October Board Meeting was held at 8:00am on October 8th at the
Wood Shop. Ken Hansen (President) conducted the meeting and the
following Board Members were present - Doug Kant (Vice President), Marv
Enerson (Treasurer), Jim Price (Member at Large) and Gaile McCuaig
Item #1 on the agenda was “Secretary’s Report”.
Gaile reviewed all items on the June 28th Pending Action Items list.
See the new revised attachment for updates.
Item #2 on the agenda was “Financial”.
Marv reviewed the financials year to date. Since January 1st there
has been a positive inflow of $3346.17 of which $2000.00 is in the
contingency fund.
Current plans for next year’s dues are to maintain the $40 initiation
fee for new members and to retain the $60 annual dues for all members.
New members joining after end of 1st quarter will pay a pro rated amount of
$15 per quarter in addition to the $40 initiation fee.
Additional spending this year may include purchase of an improved
scroll saw. Marv will look into this and make recommendations.
Item #3 on the agenda was “View Article”.
All Board Members have reviewed the article Ken wrote for the
Robson Ranch View and provided input. The article and a picture of
projects will be submitted for the next edition. Pictures were taken at close
of the Board Meeting.
Item #4 on the agenda was “Training”.
Jim and Ken’s discussion from April about posting a class/project
schedule that will cover plans for classes from November through March
2017 is a work in progress. Some classes/demos being discussed include
turquoise inlay (Marv), intarsia (Doug), pens (Dale) and cutting boards
(Ken) as well as classes on lazy susans and cheese/wine boards.
The need for a better system to sign up for classes is needed and
remains an action item for Jim and Rami. (Carry over from April).
(Carry over from March, April and June meetings) Ken and Jim are
going to prepare an outline of different training that needs to be done along
with more definitive guidance to assist Rami as Training Coordinator. This
remains a work in progress.
Item #5 on the agenda was “Monitors”.
The need for a Monitor Training Coordinator was discussed and it
was decided that Doug will approach Butch Cutrell about assuming this
Jim plans to schedule a meeting with all monitors to review all
procedures and duties.
The Board feels that Stan Lukasik has been doing a great job as
monitor schedule coordinator and wants to retain him in that position.
Item #6 on the agenda was “Maintenance”.
It was decided that Doug will approach Wayne about becoming
Maintenance Coordinator. His duties would be to coordinate all the
equipment maintenance and assure it happens.
It was also agreed that at the October Shop Cleanup additional, in
depth, maintenance will be performed on some of the equipment.
Item #7 on the agenda was “Membership Meeting/Elections”.
A date has not yet been set for the Annual Meeting. However, each
member of the Board needs to submit ideas of a member to serve as
Election Coordinator. This person oversees the nominations as well as
presiding over the actual election at the Annual Meeting.
Item #8 on the agenda was “Equipment”.
Under “General”, the new lathe is working fine and Jim pointed out
there is a toggle switch on the side which must be in the “UP” position as
well as the switch turned “ON” in order to operate.
Under “Addition”, Marv will order counter sink bits, a Dewalt angle
grinder, grinder attachments, a more quiet air compressor, new face shields
and more ear plugs.
As mentioned in Item #2, a new scroll saw is being contemplated.
Under “Selling Excess”, Ken plans to send an email to all members
giving them a chance to purchase the extra lathe and saw. Otherwise
these items will be for sale at the November 5th Yard Sale. Ken and Marv
will determine pricing.
Item #9 on the agenda was “Creative Arts Show”.
The Open House for RR residents scheduled for November 19th will
be utilized to demo some projects which might attract new members. This
year the CAC’s annual show will be held at the CAC facility instead of at
the Hermosa.
The wood shop will have an open house inside the shop as well as a
show table outside displaying various works. The plan is to have the CNC
Router running outside making a project as well. Rami and Marv will each
have a sales table.
Minutes prepared and submitted by Gaile McCuaig, Secretary
The March Board Meeting was held at 9am on March 5th at the Wood Shop. Ken Hansen (President) conducted the meeting and the following
Board Members were present - Marv Enerson (Treasurer), Jim Price (Member at Large) and Gaile McCuaig (Secretary).
Item #1 on the agenda was “Financial Summary”.
! Marv reviewed the financials year to date. Since January 1st there has been a positive inflow of $4173.34 of which $1880.00 is in the contingency fund.
Item #2 on the agenda was “Tools”.
Marv reviewed tool items purchased and on order as approved at the January Board Meeting.
One “S” tool rest for lathes - On Hold
One set of 3 wedges for segmenting - On Order
One DeWalt hand electric planer - Purchased
One flexible light - Purchased (qty 2)
One label maker - Purchased
One magnetic feather board - Purchased
One top feather board - On Hold
One table top drill vise - Purchased
One set of wood drill bits - Purchased
One center finder - Purchased
(Note and follow-up from Secretary subsequent to meeting)
The following is an update of supplies approved at 1/30/2016 meeting:
One bottle of Tite Bond original glue - Purchased
Two or Three rolls of blue tape - Purchased
Two abrasive cleaning sticks - Purchased
One 10” table saw blade - Purchased
One 12” table saw blade - Purchased
One set of three 7 1/4” skill saw blades - On Hold
The need for sanding belts and discs was identified and approved.
Ken reported the washable dust filters cost $40 each and the
purchase of four (two per unit) was approved.
There was considerable discussion about the “green Grizzly lathe”. The
consensus was that there is a need for an adapter. Ken will check out the
threads and let Marv know what to order. Jim said he thinks color coding
the chucks by lathe would be helpful and he was advised to do that if he
Item #3 on the agenda was “Training”.
Jim reported that the 2nd “maintenance of equipment” class was a
failure as none of the members who signed up actually showed up.
Two pen classes were competed - one much more successful than
the other. Additional classes will be conducted. Murphy’s Law took over at
the second class!
Two bread board classes were completed. The two did not totally
recoup the money spent on supplies but enough wood is leftover that a
break even point should be reached in the next class.
Another discussion was held on the need for training the monitors on
the use and care of the equipment to assist getting them involved in the
ongoing maintenance. Monitors also need to be pro-active in cleaning the
shop and doing more observation of equipment and activities in lieu of
doing personal activities setting at the desk.
Ken and Jim are going to prepare an outline of different training that
needs to be done along with more definitive guidance to assist Rami as
Training Coordinator. The purchase of a white board to be used for class
scheduling and sign up was approved.
It was agreed that while the use of MyGrove for scheduling classes
needs to be encouraged, it is not appropriate to solely use that at this point
in time - shop signup still needs to be available.
Next Tuesday Terry will do a “demo” on bowl turning - 6 people are
scheduled to date.
Item #4 on the agenda was “March 18 Creative Arts Show”.
It was agreed that we will have a presence at the Creative Arts Show
displaying member’s creative work. There will not be any items for sale.
Ken and Jim will organize 4 volunteers to do 2 two hour shifts.
Item #5 on the agenda was “Maintenance”.
Ken handed out a “plan start” for maintenance to be supplemented as
we go along. The purchase of a white board to assist in ongoing
maintenance scheduling was approved to assist Mike Campbell. Mike can
post the schedule on it and get monitors more involved.
Ken suggested all Board Members think about the possibility of
getting a Shop Manager at some point and consider who would be a good
Minutes prepared and submitted by Gaile McCuaig, Secretary
Desert Woodcrafters Board Meeting January 30, 2016
The January 30th Board Meeting was held at 9am on January 30th at the Wood Shop.
Ken Hansen (President) conducted the meeting and all Board Members
were present - Doug Kant (Vice President), Marv Enerson (Treasurer), Jim
Price (Member at Large) and Gaile McCuaig (Secretary).
Item #1 on the agenda was “Financial”.
Marv provided the current membership count as 37 fully paid
members, 1 associate member and 4 members who have paid half the
current year’s dues. He will be sending out a reminder to all members who
have not paid as dues were to be paid by January 29th. He will also send
a reminder to the 4 members who have only paid half the dues.
Marv reviewed the financials year to date. Since January 1st there
has been a positive inflow of $3,262.31 of which $1,480.00 is in the
contingency fund.
Item #2 on the agenda was “Training”.
Rami Mayron is the Training Coordinator working under Jim’s
oversight as the Board Member in charge of training. Training includes
projects such as last year’s bread boards and this year’s pen turning. All
the supplies for 8 people to turn pens is on sight and awaiting scheduling.
Jim reported that Ed Jones conducted a “train the trainers” session
yesterday (1/29/16). He did extensive training on the SawStop and some
training on the joiner and the planer. More sessions on other equipment
are being planned with Ed Jones doing the training.
A discussion was held on the need for training the monitors on the
use and care of the equipment and getting them involved in the ongoing
Ken asked Doug to begin work on a scheduled maintenance plan for
all the equipment - adding items as knowledge and experience grow. Doug
plans to ask Ed Jones for assistance in this effort.
A discussion about member abuse of equipment followed with
emphasis on the duty of shop monitors to point out misuse to those
observed not using the equipment properly. According to the Shop
Procedures manual, monitors are given discretion to go so far as to close
the shop and clear everyone out if needed.
The need to provide training opportunities to members was stressed.
More projects such as bread boards and pen turning need to be scheduled
in an effort to get the membership more involved.
Item #3 on the agenda was “Tool and Supply Purchase”.
Under supplies, the following items were approved:
One bottle of Tite Bond original glue
Two or Three rolls of blue tape
Two abrasive cleaning sticks
One 10” table saw blade
One 12” table saw blade
One set of three 7 1/4” skill saw blades
In addition Jim will clean the down draft table filters on Monday, the 1st of February.
Ken will research the price for dust collector filters.
Under equipment, the following items were approved:
One “S” tool rest for lathes
One set of 3 wedges for segmenting
One DeWalt hand electric planer
One flexible light
One label maker
One magnetic feather board
One top feather board
One table top drill vise
One set of wood drill bits
One center finder
In addition, the need for one of the members to build a box behind the
chop saw to collect dust was identified. The consensus was that one sheet
of 1/2” plywood would do the job.
Item #4 on the agenda was “Air cleaner installation”.
A meeting with Richard Akes was held yesterday to discuss and plan
the installation of the air cleaner. Ken, Jim, Doug and Marv will do the
installation work today after the Board Meeting.
Under Miscellaneous Business Marv said he will make all Board
Members “leads” on the new MyGrove website. This will enable them to
have access to all the information on members etc. rather than the more
general information shared with the membership as a whole.
Minutes prepared and submitted by Gaile McCuaig, Secretary
Membership Meeting
The 2016 Desert Woodcrafters Meeting was held on January 2, 2016 at 1:00 PM with 20 members in attendance and 10 additional members voting proxy via email.
Ken Hansen, President, chaired the meeting and began by reviewing the agenda.
2015 Board Introduction
Financial Report
Vote on Membership Fees
Vote on 2016 Officers
Going Forward
The introduction of the 2015 Board followed.
President - Ken Hansen
Treasurer - Marv Enerson
Member at Large - Jim Price
Acting Secretary - Gaile McCuaig
The next item on the Agenda was “Financial Report”. An independent audit of the
Club’s books was performed by Dard Price. He made a number of suggestions to
utilize going forward which are being implemented. A summary of his findings said
“While I am not an auditor or bookkeeper I found the system that Marv has established to be totally adequate for your budget with the necessary checks and balances. As a member of the club I felt very reassured that the finances are in good hands.”
Ken then gave a financial overview saying that our expenses for 2015 and our income for 2015 were almost equal if we ignore one time donations which cannot be expected going forward. The Board feels there is a need for a safety net/contingency fund going forward - thus the proposed initiation fee included in membership fee proposals. What happens in 2016 will dictate fees going forward.
Ken then presented slides summarizing the 2015 actuals and the 2016 proposed
budget. These slides and additional financial information are available on the Desert
Woodcrafters website.
Discussion followed including a summary of some of the one time donations we
received this year from members as well as donations received from projects the
members completed. Some of those projects included the tables for the IGA, shelving
for the Pro Shop and work done for The RR Grill. In response to questions from the
floor, the Board members explained why we accept donations instead of fees (we are a not for profit club) but do charge for materials used. Ken also clarified that we are not a 501c organization, do not pay for insurance (part of the HOA) and do not have to pay for utilities.
Ken then reviewed the two Fee Proposals.
Proposal 1
Initiation Fee - $40!
Yearly Membership Fee - $60
Usage Fee - $0
Projected Members - 60
Projected Expenses - $2400
Proposal 2
Initiation Fee - $40
Yearly Membership Fee - $20
Usage Fee - $15 per quarter
Projected Members - 60
Projected Expenses - $2400
In both cases the $40 fee will be used for the safety net/contingency fund.
Considerable discussion followed concerning the initiation fee including why it was
charged to existing members and the fact it is a one-time fee for all members both
existing and new going forward.
From the floor, Rami Mayron and Ed Jones as well as members of the Board discussed the issue of abuse of machines and what, if anything, could be done about it. The result was basically more training.
Ken then called for the vote on Proposal 1 or Proposal 2.
Following this vote, Ken reviewed the names of the members running for office.
Vice President - no candidates
Secretary - no candidates
At Large - Ed Jones, Doug Kant, Rami Mayron, Wayne Moritz, Jim Price, Dale
Ken then called for the vote. He also asked members to consider volunteering for the
two open offices explaining that Board Members do not need to be full time residents
and reminded members that he, himself, is not here full time. The Board operates via
conferencing as needed in the summer months. Most club requirements occur during
the “in season” time period.
Ken then covered the last item on the agenda - Going Forward.
Going Forward requirements include Safety/Cost/Productivity. That leads to a
Training requirement followed then by a coordinator for that training and trainers to perform the work.
Ken requested a volunteer to act as Training Coordinator and Rami Mayron graciously volunteered to fill that role.
Mike Campbell (who filled the role of chair of the nominating committee) then
announced the results of the two votes.
The members voted for Jim Price to serve another term as Member At Large.
The members voted for Fee Proposal 1.
Marv then talked about all of the information on the Desert Woodcrafters website
including Club Calendar, member information, financials, all meeting minutes including those of the Board meetings, monitor schedules, training classes etc. He also explained the email account for Desert Woodcrafters.
Following was considerable discussion about future training and projects such as
another cutting board class. There appears to be considerable member interest in
these types of classes and Rami will be coordinating these.
Further discussion followed on the misuse of equipment. Ken thanked all members
and guests for attending before the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes prepared and submitted by Gaile McCuaig.
The meeting was called to order by the president Ken Hansen. Also present from the board were Marv Enerson – treasure and Jim Price – Board Member at Large. A total of 28 members were in attending.
The following is a summary of that meeting
Board Members – the above mentioned are the only board members with the Vice President, Secretary positions open.
Minutes from the last meeting – Jim Price reviewed the minutes of the last membership meeting. The motion was made by Wade Arend and second by Rami Mayron and approved by the membership that the minutes be accepted.
Budget Report – Marv Enerson presented the following financial summary
Revenue (YTD)
• Membership --------$3,280.00
• Donations ----------- $914.00
• Training Classes ------$170.00
• Wood Sales ----------- $197.56
TOTAL $4,561.56
• Maintenance ------------ $51.50
• Name Tags ------------ $437.85
• Postage ------------------- $8.10
• Supplies ------------$1,266.48
• Bank Charges -----------$47.16
• Tools ----------------- $1,779.50
Present Balance ------------$970.79
The membership requested in the future a definition of each large category be provided.
Charter Changes – the board recommended the following charter changes
• In several locations - Change the name of the governing board from “Committee” to “Board”
• Clarify in several location – new members must go through an “Orientation & Safety” class
• Article V, section 3 – Clarity - President & VP terms – The VP shall be elected to serve for two years. The first as VP the second as President
• Article VII, section 4 – relative to filling open position on the board change the word “shall” to “may” which allows the vacant position to be filled but does not require it
• Article VIII, section 1, Paragraph e – remove the requirement to go through the HOA office to schedule meetings
• Article IX, section 4, Change the requirement for two additional check signers to one. Remove the requirement for two signatures on the checks
• Article IX , section 5,Prg b – add that only budget changes above $1,000 require approval by the membership
A motion to accept the changes was made by Bob DeValk, seconded by Ed Jones and approved by the membership.
Equipment Update – the following was reported
Cutting head blades were replaced – $600+ Thanks you to the HOA for their financial support
A better cutting head (spiral) is being considered, as it is quieter and last longer but costs $1,700. We now have enough blades for several years but future consideration is being given to reserving money for a future upgrade to the spiral head
• STOP SAW DOES WORK - Activated 2 times. A replacement brake is now stocked in the shop to cover future activation, so a member does not have to secure one. The member who activates the brake is still financial responsible for replacing the brake and blade.
• Band saw – several blades have been broken
• Dust collection operation – must wait for the dust collector to start
• Drum sander – excessive sand paper usage
• Small tools purchased - Lathe Chuck, Drills, Sanders, lot of small tools we take for granted
• Major Addition –CNC router
• Purchased for us by HOA - In return we will support them with it
• This equipment is a challenge to use - The board is working to develop a usage plan that respects how complicated the equipment is to use and yet allows all members to benefit from its capability
• Going Forward – There is no plan to add any major pieces of equipment. The planned focus will be on upgrading existing small equipment and only minor small equipment expansion.
COMMUNITY SUPPORT PROJECTS – The following projects for the community were completed
• Moveable table storage carts for the ballroom
• Herb Garden for the restaurant
• Pickle ball cup holders
• Pickle ball storage shed
• Many – walk in “cut a board” help
• Ticket Holder (QTY 22)
• Golf Club Stand for Pro Shop (QTY 2)
SHOP SUPPORTED PROJECTS – The Board thanked all of those members who provided so much support. A few examples are listed below
• Built our shed
• Built Benches
• Built Tool stands and racks
• Donated equipment for use
• Donated goods that we sold at the yard sale (Approx. $300)
• Donated time
WOOD SALES - Members requested wood be available for sale, so $400 worth of wood was stocked for sale thanks to Ed Jones. There has been very low demand so far, so the Board is questioning the program.
Member Usage - Usage has moderately increased since opening, with the summer usage, as expected low, but shop was open. This next year the Board will emphasize proper machine usage and more complete cleanup.
Training & Demonstrations - We have a start – but not as strong as we would like. We need a Training Coordinator. One that is a good organizer.
• We have some classes established – some scheduled
• Basic machine operating skills –Ed Jones - First Class – Jan 2, 10:00 am
• Pen Turning – Dale Schinman -Schedule – TBD
• Expanded Monitor Training – Bill Watt – January?
• Lath Turning – Terry Fecho – February
• Segmented bowls – Ed Jones - Schedule – TBD
• Cutting Board – Jim P, Doug K. – Schedule - TBD
• Monitors
Monitors – The Board thanked all the monitors for the time they have spent monitoring these last 10 months. Monitor Availability has been good and thanks to Mickie Storckman for doing the scheduling plus Jim Price and Bill Watt for training. Going forward the Board would like to expanding training to increase capability, plus develop some form of reward for the monitors work. Mickie will be sending out an e-mail requesting that each monitor giver her more information about their preferences so she can factor it into the scheduling process.
Proposed 2016 Fees – The Board is learning what it takes to run the shop and have managed through the first year but it is a learning process. Shop usage is increasing. The Board would like the new rate structure to reflect a higher cost for high usage members plus create some type of reward system for monitoring.
• The Board presented the following as a proposal with a request for feedback from the membership
• Two Options – Member can pick either
• First Option
• Yearly fee of $50
• 10 days free usage (not transferable by year or to individual)
• After free days are used daily charge is $1 per day or part of
• Additional days can be purchased (Increments of $10)
• Monitors earn 1 day of free usage for each monitor session worked
• Second Option
• Yearly fee of $250
• No daily fee
• Feedback from the membership included we considered
• A “New Member fee” of $100 the first year plus normal membership fees
• A yearly fee plus a monthly fee for the months the members use it
• Paying on a daily basis is too complicated and leads to confusion
• Increasing the yearly fee to $60 with no usage fees
• Reward monitors by only charging them ½ the normal usage fee.
• The board was asked to present the planned budget in conjunction with the proposed fees for next year.
• The board requested, that in order to fully understand recommendations, the membership provide them via e-mail to -
Proposed Proration of fees – the Board recommended that new members joining the group after mid-year be charged a prorated fee that is ½ the normal yearly fee. A motion to do so was made by Bob DeValk seconded by Wade Arend and passed by the membership
Elections – The election will be during the January meeting. Mike J. Campbell is the nominating committee chairman. The positions being voted on are Vice President (two year term, one as VP & one as President), Secretary (a 2 year term) and Board Member at Large (a 1 year term). Voting can be via proxy or in person. A list of candidates will be e-mailed to all members at least 2 weeks prior to the January membership meeting. Mike J. Campbell will manage the process.
The Next Meeting – January 2, 2016 at 10:00 in the ballroom
Thanks – Ken thanked the membership for a great first year
Boards Meeting Minutes Oct 12, 2015
The board meeting was held on 10/12/15 in the wood shop with the following in attendance:
Ken Hansen- President, Marv Enerson – Treasurer, Jim Price – Member at Large
a. No purchases have been made in the last month
b. The cash plus checking account totals to $841.19 and includes the following
i. A donation of $27 was received
ii. One new Member joined to add $50
i. Marv will send out an e-mail to the membership requesting donation
ii. Proceeds will go directly to the club as a fund raiser
i. Ken took the action item to find a person to review the books
i. The HOA funded the purchase of a small computer controlled cutter
ii. The equipment is difficult to use because of the programing required.
iii.After we have a better understanding of the equipment we will develop guidelines for its use.
ii. The HOA has agreed to pay for the replacement blades
ii. The board will provide more direction details to this plan in the coming weeks.
i. An agreement was reached that the club would agree to prorating the
fees for a new members who joins late in the year, with the following conditions
1. Proration can only be extended to a new member and only one
2. Prorating will only be for half of a year
3. The price will be half of a full year fee
i. Members may choose one of two fee structures
1. Option 1 - Full year with daily usage fee
a. $50 per year and a daily usage fee of $1.00
b. Each membership comes with 10 hours of free usage that
must be used in the current year and cannot be carried over.
c. No daily usage fees will be charges for members working
on projects that benefit the HOA or HOA recognized organizations.
d. Members who come to the shop for activities that do not
2. Option 2 - Full year membership with no daily usage fee - $250
a. Member may use the shop whenever it is open with no usage fee.
ii. Monitor earn one free day of shop usage for every ó day shift worked
a. Vision – the board agreed that we need to set up a series of training classes
that can be presented over the next few months with emphasis on January ,
b. A plan should include recurring classes in basic operations
d. Ken took the action item to check with a couple people to see if they would be
a. The shop will go back to full day operation November 2
b. Mickie is continuing to coordinate & schedule the monitors
Board Committee Meeting Aug 29, 2015
The meeting was held via video conferencing with Ken Hansen, Marv Enerson, & Jim Price participating
1. Charter review - the following amendments to the charter were proposed and will be submitted for approval of the general membership at the November meeting
a. Change the name of the governing group from the “committee” to the “Board”.
b. In several locations clarify that new members must go through an ”Orientation and Safety” (O&S) class
c. Clarify in several locations that the Yearly Membership Meeting is in December and that new officers take office on Jan 1
d. Article V section 3 - add the following. The vice president shall be elected to serve for two years. The first year as vice president and the second year as president.
e. Article VII Section 4 - sentence 1 will be changed from “shall” to “may“ thereby allowing, but not requiring, a vacant position on the Board to be filled by appointment.
f. Article VIII Section “e” - remove the requirement to schedule meetings “with the HOA activities Committee”
g. Article VIII Section “d” - change to require the Financial Report to the membership at the December Membership Meeting.
h. Article IX Section 4 – remove the requirement for two signatures on all checks.
i. Article X Section 2 –replace the requirement to post meeting notification in the “Robson Ranch View” to “via e-mail”
1. Election/Nominating Committee – the Board members will discuss, with several members, their willingness to be the chairmen of the nominating committee, and recommendations will be made to the Board for a decision at the next board meeting.
1. Next Year’s Budget and Fee Structure
a. It was agreed that we should implement a fee structure that included a yearly membership fee and a “use” fee.
b. We agreed to have further discussion at the next Board meeting and prepare up to three alternative fee structures that will be e-mailed to all members with a request for comments. The results of those comments will be used by the Board to make the final proposal to be voted on by the membership.
c. Monitors - it was agreed that monitors should have some form of reduction in fees proportional to their contribution as monitors.
a. Training will be the top priority for next year
b. A Training Coordinator is needed - Jim will work to find one.
c. Suggestions included a repeating monthly training for a given project/skill e.g. Bottle Stoppers
1. Planer - The planer knifes need to be sharpened or replaced. We agreed to have them sharpened, provided we can locate the installation gage. Marv will look for the gage and Jim will arrange for sharpening. New blades will be on the top of our proposed budget for 2016 and possibly a helical head ($1,400).
• Starting balance-----------------------------------------------------------$1282.34
• Income from e-bay sales , aluminum cans, wood sales etc —--$237.00
• Cost for small tools, supplies etc. --------------------------------------($256.08)
• Ending balance ------------------------------------------------------------$1263.26
The only major expected expense is the purchase of lathe tools.
• Monitor scheduling is done for May
• No known issues exists, all machines are operational.
• No major additional tools, except lathe tools, are expected to be purchased in the near term
• The grinding bench was completed – thanks to Corky Rodine and Wayne Moritz
• Shop usage is increasing but is not at capacity nor has there been any know usage limitations
• Usage during the summer is expected to be low.
The following is a brief update.
• EQUIPMENT – after dealing with a number of issues we now have all the equipment up and operational.
o Through training and gained experience we are now operating most of the time with one monitor
o Mickie Storckman will be doing the scheduling starting in May
• USAGE – over the three months we have seen a general increase in usage. We anticipate some fall off during the summer and a significant increase in the fall. It is proving to be a great place to work and meet new friends.
• WOOD SALES – we have made wood available for sale in the shop. We have stocked about $500 worth of wood but have had very few sales. Wood can be purchased through the monitors whenever the shop is open. We want to thanks Ed Jones for all the support and hard work he has put into the shop including being instrumental in securing the wood that is for sale.
• TRAINING AND DEMONSTRATIONS – a number of classes and demonstrations were conducted these first few months and we expect an increased number in the fall.
• WEB SITE – most information about the wood shop is contained on the web site. It is very complete and current, so if you have not visited it we encourage you to do so at
Action items from Executive Board meeting 3/12/15
The Executive Board convened with all members present. The following actions were approved.
1. The shop hours will be from 9 am to 3 pm starting Monday, March 16. This change
recognizes lack of member use in the 8 o’clock and 3 o’clock hour. Jim Price will make new
2. The shop will purchase an orbital sander. The current orbital sander is not in working
condition. Marv Enerson will purchase the sander locally.
3. Ken Hansen will track equipment needs for the shop.
4. The board is researching ways to make participation in demos and classes more equitable.
We currently do it based on the response from the email notification of the demo or class.
Given the fact that some are not as computer savvy as others, the result is class participation is
not as diverse as it should be.
Will be sent with this document
Fund balance $1482. plus $400 reimbursement from
Committed expenditures not yet shown on budget
B. Lathe chuck update We purchased 1 chuck and 1 adaptor.
The sale of wood will begin when the process is finalized.
Clamp rack - assigned to Ron Hansen not yet approved
Drawers under mitre saw - assigned to Corky not yet approved
B. Pickle ball building update The building is nearly finished.
C. Cost of materials for hands on classes No action, but Nancy
will check to see if there are RR regulations concerning that
speak to charging for materials or otherwise charging for a class
D. Training Schedule - Handout No action
B. Shop Manager - Handout No action
General Membership Meeting No action
Women’s group training No action
Executive Board Meeting January 31, 2015
All equipment is now functional with the exception of one lathe.
The shed is built, but needs to be anchored to the asphalt. Dave Handlen will check into that issue.
Marv will work on a system for selling wood. (Are there other consumables that we will charge for?)
Nancy will look for appropriate charities for Desert Woodcrafters support.
VP Ken Hansen called meeting to order.
The executive board was introduced: VP – Ken Hansen, Treasurer – Marv Enerson,
Secretary – Nancy Watt, and Member-at-Large, Jim Price. President Dave
Handlen was not present due to illness.
There are currently 55 paid members and 1 associate member (Nancy Watt).
The shop will generally be open from 8 until 4 Monday through Friday. The hours
may expand later as needed. There must be two monitors in attendance for the
shop to be open; consequently the number of monitors available will determine the
hours of operation. The schedule will be posted on the shop window and eventually
Robson Ranch has been very supportive. $30,000 was allotted for equipment.
Additional money was allotted for electrical and other unanticipated needs. Most
of the equipment is ready for use. The planer and the joiner are not ready for use,
There is an excellent dust collection system, which is sensitive to each piece of
equipment. Turning on the machine will activate the system.
There is a list of needed equipment on the website and also in the shop. Please add
to the list if you see a need. The executive board will monitor the list and
equipment will be purchased as dollars become available. Donations are also
We have 20 trained monitors for a membership of 55. Two monitors are needed
for each of 10 shifts. Additional monitors will lessen the workload for the 20
trained. Monitors are also needed for occasions when the regular monitor can’t be
available because of illness, etc. We would also be able to expand the hours of
Each member must go through an orientation session in order to use the shop. 41
members have gone through orientation. There is a sign up sheet for those who
Waiver and Release of Liability Form
Each member must sign the release before using the shop. The release will be kept
Marv Enerson has developed the website for Desert Woodcrafters. The website
covers information that members may need: membership, monitors, equipment,
The club has a balance of $1354.08.
The executive board is comprised of President, Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer, and Member-at-Large. Volunteers have assumed these offices until the
club has a membership and is able to orchestrate an election in accordance with
the charter. There are two options: the present board has volunteered to perform
these duties until the end of the 2015 calendar year or the membership may
choose to hold an election now.
Ron Hansen moved to retain the volunteer board for the remainder of the year.
Paul Nelson seconded the motion.
There is intent to stock basic hardwoods for sale to the membership. That will be
delayed until storage becomes available.
Members must wear badges in the shop. If the badge is lost there is a $15
Using the shop is on a 1st come, 1st served basis.
Each member is responsible for cleaning up after his/herself. Monitors are not
responsible for cleanup except emptying the dust collection system.
Volunteers are needed for demos, teaching.
Is there additional training on the lathe? Yes
Do the name tags stay in the shop? Yes
How many people may be in the shop? It will be self- limiting. If there are too
many there when you come, come back later.
Is the web address case sensitive? Yes
When are the orientation sessions? Wednesday evenings and Saturdays
Are there any demos set up? 1 and we are looking for volunteers
Meeting Minutes for 11/15/2014
David called the meeting to order.
Need 3 dust collectors, must have minimum of 1 dust collector now.
Note: Ed Jones has loaned us some tables and will help us build a frame for drawers. Additionally some people have loaned equipment to the club not given it to the club. Those people can ask for their equipment back and Marv has identified all such equipment with pictures. Those people may come in and borrow the equipment back for some period of time.
Safety goggles/glasses 10 (club will purchase these)
Cover for electric cord on floor 6 ft. (club will purchase this)
Ear plugs (club will purchase these)
Safety vests for monitors, we need 4
Lathe Chisel sets, minimum of 2 sets
Lathe Face Plates, minimum of 6
Air Hose adapter kit, must have
Air Hose retractor we would like to have if funds available
Pipe for Pipe Clamps (we will buy)
Jig Saw (Dave may have this and will donate)
5 inch orbital sander/Palm sander
Leather Mallet (club will buy)
Blast Gates for the dust collectors we will need one for each machine
Piping for the dust collectors
Jim is moving forward on the Monitor training.
We will have an open house next Saturday 11/22/2014.
Dave will look into getting us a dumpster to dump the trash cans into.